"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, July 29, 2013

Getting Into The Swing of Things

This morning while we were washing our clothes we noticed that the member had a swing. It just so happens here that they have professional washers and dryers. At least a few. Normally you wash your clothes by hand or you put it in a machine that just mixes the clothes around for a bit and hang dry since it is so ridiculously hot in Tabasco. And, it still continues to be hot here in Veracruz, but a few degrees less, so somehow more people have dryers. Poitn is, this week we were blessed to have a dryer. Which naturally left us with not a whole lot to do while waiting for our clothes to dry, so, I hopped on the swing.

And so here I am, halfway through my mission. With a long way to go, but a lot more behind me. It is odd to think about the time that has passed and the little time you have left. 

So I started to think, how could I teach you something from such an awesome picture that we got while I was swinging. And, still, really I wanted to show you this week is how cool this swing was. 

But, I guess I'll talk about not falling into a routine. I feel like that is something that all could benefit from. What happens when you fall into a routine and do the same thing every day? Albert Einstein would call any of you that fall into a routine insane when he defined: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

We are here to progress. Are you progressing? Or are you simply insane? Keep life interesting, keep life going. If you are not happy where you are at, change. If you feel you should be happy with what you are doing, are you doing it right? Take the time to make sure you are on the right path.

Often times in the Church we say if you are not progressing you are falling behind; in a sense, you are getting worse. I always like to put the example of "la Caminata" (the treadmill) when teaching "Endure to the End"--unfortunately I have yet to meet someone with one in their house.

The point is that life is like a treadmill. If we keep going, we will get more conditioned, with practice we will be able to go farther and farther in life. But the minute you stop, you are falling behind, and if you do not catch yourself quickly you can fall off the edge. 

Please, always make sure you are going forward.

Love you all,
Show your love for others,

Elder Andrews

Elder Andrews getting into the swing of things while his clothes dry.

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