"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, May 19, 2014

And the Book?

This week I went on divisions with another Elder (my Zone Leader), one who was actually with me on the plane when we first got here to México. It was strange preaching with him and seeing how far we both had come. We walked back to the house after crossing the rivier and, due to the increased amount of sun, I was feeling a little bit dehydrated, so I went to buy a suero, an electrolyte drink common to Mexico, to keep myself going (it's like a Gatorade with less sugar). So, we went to the only farmacy I have ever seen here in Allende and bought it and started talking to the doctors there. One was very direct and even more blunt in letting us know he really didn't care, but the other seemed to be more care free and open. We ended with an open invitation to our English class we teach to which he agreed and set up plans to meet him there, but as we left he asked, "And the Book?" Caught a bit off guard I told him we didn't use a book, we just taught basic grammar and pronunciation. But he quickly referred us back to our mentioning of The Book of Mormon. So we ran to the house and went back later that day to leave him with a Book of Mormon that he could read. Seeing the power of the Spirit of his conversion brings a new testimony to the truthfulness of it's teachings.

Once we taught him (his name is Aristeo) about the Restoration of the Gospel through Joseph Smith, it was simple with his foundation in the Book of Mormon. As we went on explaining, he exclaimed, "It just makes sense!" Haha. You could see the figurative light bulb in his head turn on and his understanding increase. As he continues to read the Book of Mormon, his testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel and the need for his obedience to it's principles and commandments grows. It is great, and could be for some, confusing as to how a Book could cause a 53 year old doctor change his life so drastically. His faith conquers anything that is put in his path and my companion and I are surprised each time he chooses to overcome another one of his trials.

So, all is good. My companion decided after the divisions that we needed to start to exercise, since the other Zone Leader did it with him (the only day they really did, thanks...) and decided we should wake up earlier to exercise. Oops. But, although I wasn't excited, we are taking advantage of the opportunity to change the ward. Everyone is...willing to lose a few pounds, so we have the Bishop, the two Secretaries, the Elder's Quorum President, Aristeo, and a few youth of the ward all ready to play soccer with us every morning at 6 AM. Can you believe that Allende would have a turf field open to the public? Maybe someone does want me to exercise, so we've been just running for a week as we were lacking a soccer ball, but today we should have that all figured out. I have noticed that the type of person you are today is the person you are. Imagine that? So, stop seeing the future, and change the present. Are you happy with who you were today? Change it tomorrow.
May God bless you in your efforts.

Elder Andrews

Elders Andrews and Hernandez with the head of a statue of Christ.
The arm of a large statue of Christ.

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