"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, June 23, 2014

Letter #92 from Mexico

So, this week was interesting. Serbando was ordained a deacon yesterday. He has already accompanied us 3 full Saturdays to teach the gospel. He's really come a long way, and his parents are somewhat helpful. We have a good relation with them although their busy schedule does not permit them to talk with us too much or be involved in the Church. His mom even bought him some dress pants. So, we're going well. 

We had an interesting week. We were trying to leave Aristeo behind since he has showed little progress in the past weeks, but when we went out with the recently released Bishop Carrasco (way cool, 70 years old) to teach we were teaching him how to contact people. We were going with Aristeo's neighbor and he wasn't there so he contacted Aristeo! Haha. About 30 minutes after sharing their life stories he realized that we had already been teaching him. Haha. I tried to whisper it in his ear when he started to talk to him, but I guess it didn't stick. It brought me back good old memories of home teaching with my dad. Some times old people can talk a lot! As to not be rude we tried to sit through it, but it was an extra effort to let them make their connections for more than an hour. 

Aside from that, we have been talking to everyone we can see. We started teaching Mario--a man who is half blind. He recognizes us because we show up glowing he says (for our white shirts, mine is more yellow though). For the same, he is unable to read. But, he likes that we visit him, because no one else does. 

We found another family that are Pentecostés. We introduced everything in the first lesson and they decided that Joseph Smith did talk to God but that the Book of Mormon was not true and not necessary. I wanted to shout "What!?!" It has always been the other way around, but there is a first for everything. I just don't know how they got to that conclusion, but we convinced them to let us go one more time today and so we'll see how things go. 

On the brigther side we found A&W Root Beer one day when we crossed to Coatza and Elder Hernandez was always told it was sin because it said Beer. So, he hs a new addiction.

Take care of yourselves,
Elder Andrews


Pentecostés = Pentecostals

Elder Hernandez learns the joy of A&W Root Beer from Elder Andrews.

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