"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, October 7, 2013

Letter #56 from Mexico

Before I forget, Elder Tanner Rape is here in the mission. He's been here for 3 months now, but, just thought I should say that. He is from my Stake in Pennsylvania and I saw him at all the activities, so that is weird. I still haven't seen him here yet, but I am no longer the only one from Pennsylvania. Which is funny because nowhere on the records of the church (therefore the mission either) does it say I'm from Pennsylvania--except for the little yearbook type thing they gave out last Christmas. I've always gotten confused about my Hometown. Even moreso in the mission. Oh well.

This week has been an interesting one. Remember how it was the week of transfers? Yeah, Elder Rangel and I got to wait in the bus station all day waiting for the Elders to show up and send them to their final destinations. Seeing as there are 2 Zones here in Mina, it wasn't so bad. Especially when you add in the fact that this go round, two of the assistants got changed. BOTH. So, the transfer sheet wasn't the greatest. But it was a blast. We got 2 lost missionaries. A sister and an Elder at different times. One sister got off the bus really fast and it seemed she did not have a companion. I ran over and asked her where her companion was, and she looked back at me with a relieved look, saying, "Elder, can you go get my suitcases?" Haha. She was very lost. 

Which brings us to your lesson of the day: always answer the question that is being asked. Sometimes it seems that people can answer any other question EXCEPT the one being asked. I first noticed it with my parents when I was still in High School. One day before my mission I demonstrated how difficult it was. My mom sent a text saying: "Where are you at?" and I replied, "I'll be home soon." Haha. And sooo we continued until she realized I was trying to prove a point. 

Luckily the lost sister missionary had her companions still waiting to get off the bus and had accidentally passed where she was supposed to get off (I don't know how since the bus stops there for 10 minutes). And yes, I did get her bags. But, we took her back to where she was supposed to be and came back to Mina. Then there was another problem with an elder and we had to take him to another area as well. So, Tuesday, Elder Rangel and I travelled to half the mission taking lost missionaries where they needed to be (see photo below).

And so, the lesson you are to learn is, enjoy the journey--as President Uchtdorf said a few conferences back. Do what is needed, when it is needed. 

The miracles of it all is that with all the run and gun of our travels, we never waiting more than two minutes to get on a bus where we needed to go, or to get back. We also rode some of the worst buses that I had ever seen. But, the point is, we got where we needed to be, when we needed to be there, and truly were able to be instruments in the Lord's hands. 

May we all be willing and ready for when the Lord call us.

With love,
Elder Andrews

Travel Receipts

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