Anyway, with that lack of confidence already in the air, Elder Rangel woke up one morning and decided he needed a haircut and sat down and let me at his hair with my new $30 clippers (surprisingly cheap, super nice). Attached below are some results about how things went. Elder Rangel still tries to say he didn't like it, even though all the members ask him who cut his hair for recommendations. :0 We may or may not be giving free hair cuts to find new investigators. We are actually using it to get inside a house of a kid we are teaching to get his parents to give him permission to be baptized.
Speaking of which, there were a lot of transfers in the Zone. We thought we were going to get kicked out of our area to make room for the Sister Missionaries. Now 1/3 of the Zone 6 of 18 total are Sister Missionaries. "Gringas" or more formally known as white women (although it is mostly used here to describe a type of taco) will be coming to the mission as well in December. Not really sure how that is going to work, since before the age change American women were kept away from Mexico for their safety, but we'll see what happens. 6 of the missionaries we had here are gone. Lots of changes.
But we are still here together in Insurgentes Elder Rangel and I. We are really having a lot of success we have been able to find through keeping our Area Book up to date. We are putting in Chris Tarbet's "Pipeline Theory", which, they surprisingly taught us in the MTC as well. Pretty handy.
Anyway, lots to do, little time, plus, I still gotta read the Bible. I'm in Leviticus. Animal sacrifices. Which makes you wonder about all the churches that supposedly live the Law of Moses and that's why the keep the Sabbath Day as Saturday. But if you are going to fulfill the Law, why not keep it all? Read the Book of Mormon. Read the Bible. Don't live in ignorance. Because once it takes hold of you, it's hard to get pulled back out.
Act for yourself. Make wise choices. Keep yourself in the strait and narrow path of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Questions? Ask the Missionaries. Ask, and ye shall recieve.
Take care of yourselves,
Elder Andrews
Elder Rangel's cut hair. |
Edler Rangel's haircut. |
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