"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, April 29, 2013

Un Embarazo Después (One Pregnancy Later)

That is what they seem to call it. I often remember when my brothers went on there missions and everytime we talked about them it were as if they had passed on already and died. But, it's the other way around in the mission field. I was born in Ciudad del Carmen. Elder Andrade was my dad. Everyone who arrived with me are my brothers. Its a very large and interesting family tree that I'm sure you would love mom. :P Anyone, so, although I am closer to 10 months now, I forgot to mention I had 9. Going along with that though, the members that live in front of us, and are consequently the biggest help to us with laundry and all, well, the mom of the family is pregnant with her third child. It is getting to be pretty rough for her to the point where she isn't able to do much. Her feet get tired rapidly and her stomach often hurts. As we were over there doing laundry and helping where we could we decided I must too be pregnant because sometimes my feet hurt and I can't get up the stairs and sometimes my stomach hurts (Colitis). She got a good laugh out of it. Point is, no, I don't have any children yet (missionaries I've trained). Although Elder Sanchez kinda counts when I got here to Mercedes, but I'd say he was more of an adopted child.

This week we went on a scavenger hunt to contact a reference. They told us more or less where to go and to look for the tree house. Once we were there we were supposed to call the lady to come out and meet us. So, after walking around a little we found the tree house. Little did we realize that it is the opposite of what you normally see--this time its a tree growing inside of a house. The lady said she had her own religion and she didn't want anything, so, as to not make the opportunity a waste, we took pictures.

We continue to try to work with the Hernandez family, but with work and school they find it hard to come to church Sundays still. Until they decide to give it a try we can't help them progress much seeing as progression requires action. Here's to hoping when she talks to her missionary son Elder Hernandez this Mother's Day some changes in priorities get made. Maybe just a little more personal drive.

Today we went to las Grutas de Coconá (some sweet caves in my area) as a district activity--there are only 4 of us in the district since we are kind of far away from everyone else. It was sweet, we walked around and there were a ton of bats. One kid outside the caves kept asking us if we wanted to hear the story and secrets of the caves and we kept telling him no and the other gringo missionary kept asking us why not. Another Elder finally told him that every secret comes with its price. Haha.

Another cultural saying here is: "Si Dios quiere" (If God wants, or God be willing) It's the local way of saying yes while meaning no. Just like when people tell us to come back another day and you ask when and they say it doesn't matter, just any other day. Ha

Elder Cabral and I have some sweet activities we are looking to do in the coming weeks to really involve the community in what we do.

I'll leave you with the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7, 3 Nephi 12-14) with you. If you've got a second, try rereading it to frequent yourself with the teachings the Savior himself saw as important. There are many good one-liners to use.

Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.
Wherever you heart is, there is your treasure also.
Ye are the salt of the earth.

I hope you all are really studying your scriptures. Simply reading is not enough. Reading is an action, but it's only a page deep. May your studies of the scriptures always be meaningful so that you will have desires to continue and learn more. God Bless.

Elder Andrews

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