"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, November 19, 2012

"Pelea la buena batalla de la fe" - 1 Tim. 6:12

[Subject translation: "Fight the good fight of faith" - 1 Tim. 6:12]

Friends and Family,

A story to laugh at: So, this week I still have my rash. So, I got sent back to the doctor, seeing as it may not be a rash. Not to foreshadow, but did you know you can get herpes from the sun? Well apparently you can. Thankfully, no mother, I do not have herpes, but that is what was scaring me to death as I waddled across the island to the doctor. It's still just a rash, but man is it a good one. So, the real funny part is, well, remember how I loved to talk about Pearl Harbor in my emails while I was in the MTC? Well, my mission is turning out to be more like that movie that you could imagine, I mean, I'm on an island that has great value to Mexico (apparently 75% of Mexico's income comes in through the island because of the oil--it doesn't stay here though). Also, remember back to the immunization scene with all the nurses? That happened to me too this week! (exaclty, watch the movie and you'll understand). Except instead of Kate Beckinsale, it was a very very large Mexican man. We're talking huge. Thankfully he was good at injecting people. But it killed like crazy, which didn't help my waddle.

Another story to laugh at: I love actually SERVING people, so I volunterred us to help a member shovel gravel after we got done teaching a lesson to his neighbor. Elder Andrade is not much for physical labor, so after a few wheelbarrels full of gravel he threw down the shovel and started periodically picking up rocks by hand and throwing them in. It was hilarious at the time, but we were both more tired than ever the next day as we tried to study with our backs aching. Thankfully we didn't quite fall asleep though.

As for Mario, we are still working hard with him, he is still making good decisions, but he still isn't quite sure about his desires to be baptized and follow the Church for all his life. He would like to, it just seems like a lot to him right now. He is only 16, but he is awesome, when he gives his word he keeps it, at what seems to be guaranteed always. So, you can sympathize a bit that he wants to wait to make sure for himself. As for us, well, Elder Andrade is almost for sure gone when transfers come next week, so he is spamming out a little bit. As for me, I'm trying my best that he can feel the desire. Sometimes it seems like we are just sitting there beating him with a metaphorical stick saying "Get baptized, get baptized." since he already knows everything and has already seen the blessing and knows that its all good. As for our job now, we are hoping to just fortalize [strengthen] his faith this week, although he already has more than a lot of people I know.

So that brings me to my studies this last week. I'll try to guide ya through it:

First, read 1 Tim 6:12.

Then read Alma 44 (in the Book of Mormon)

Then go back to the Bible in 2 Tim 4:7

One day, I will be able to stand in front of you and recite the latter. I hope that in that day you will be able to say the same. Until then, "fight the good fight of the faith".

Con amor por cada uno de ustedes,
Elder Andrews

Can you include this? Also Thansgiving doesn't exist in Mexico. How lame.


Pelea la buena batalla de la fe = Fight the good fight of faith
fortalize = Spanglish from "fortalecer" meaning "strengthen"
Con amor por cada uno de ustedes = With love for each one of you


While Thanksgiving is a US holiday, the way to say it in Spanish is "El día de acción de gracias."

A Picture of Mario

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