"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." 2 Nephi 31:20

Monday, September 17, 2012

Letter #2 From Mexico

Friends and Family,

Did I mention this was hard? Cause it definitely is. Mainly just cause I am still adjusting. The changes that occur to your body here aren't exactly desireable. But here I am still the same. I can now say that after two weeks I have knowingly eaten/drank more bugs than I ever did in the rest of my life. And somehow they still taste better than other foods. But, I have since learned that food is not meant to be enjoyed, it is just a necessary part of life. I also learned to chew softly. It was my pleasure to enjoy some of Mexico's finest meals during the week of their Independence--pazole, mole, who knows what else. P.S. Happy Birthday Derek (My brother)! Anyway, in pazole, are chuncks of chicken--with bone (which my mother knows I despise). The bones are the same shape and color as a certain type of bean here in this dish, and they all get lost in the sauce so I am still timid in chewing my food. So, I usually just swallow it as whole as I can. It helps it make it taste better too. :)

Anyway, I hope that I can defer away from describing the setting after this email and focus more on what I have been doing (honestly right now it just feels like I've been doing the English homework of all the members children). At least they have a reputation of giving awesome references, so hopefully we will see the benefits soon.

I live on the North shore of the island close to a Colonia (pretty much a neighborhood) called Primero de Mayo just on the north side of the canal. Also, Dad, I feel like I am living your mission. It is so hot here you sweat when the sun touches you, so you could never be cold! Also there are soooo many motorcylces (and scooters) cruising around the island. Also those bikes that you see in Nacho Libre. At least one on every street. Sometimes I think it is more fun to just watch Nacho Libre on the TV... but here I am living it. Easters. All I have to say.

I've been complaining an awful lot to you guys I feel, and I'm sorry that you've suffered a drought too, so I'll try to send pictures to you guys as often as I can. I included on of my Italian curls and one of my best friend here Carlos (baptized in January). He is the Executive Secretary in the ward. He is 20. Has a two year old daughter and a good wife, although I can't really understand her much. But I trust she is nice. Also, me eating my first mango in the nicest house I've been in here. There is a pit in a mango if you didn't know. And it is quite...hairy. Anyway. It was good. I was waiting there while Elder Andrade was doing a baptismal interview (he is District Leader too). By the end of the time there the sister who owned the house was pretending it was my house with all the jokes that were being said. No worries, I cleaned up like it was my house too and did the dishes and got people refills.

Which reminds me, joke time:
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una pera y la novia de un misionero? -- What is the difference between a pear and a missionary's girlfriend?
¡Una es pera, la otra no espera! -- One is a pear, and the other doesn't wait.

It might be a little better in Spanish...but, I like it.

Anyway, I have been doing a bit better this past week although it is still pretty rough and I do worry for all of you often. But I've learned that Salvation is not cheap. And I'm afraid I truly haven't finished learning that just quite yet--there is still much more to come. But, I have been reading Our Heritage, Alma 7:23-24, and D&C 123:7-9 that have really helped me push through. And here I am, still in Mexico. Still trying to lose myself in the work. Mainly I just lose myself in my Spanish study and take solace in that for now.

I love you all, I take solace in knowing I'm not alone here and that I have all of you following along. Hoping we can grow through this together, and if you have any questions, I'll answer them. Stay safe.

Elder Andrews

pozole = traditional Mexican dish
mole = traditional Mexican sauce
colonia = neighborhood (literally, "colony")
Primero de Mayo = the first of May

The joke is a pun using "is a pear" (es pera) and "she waits" (espera).

Elder Andrews and Elder Milovidov in the MTC (Provo, UT).

Elder Andrews, Carlos (Ward Executive Secretary), and Elder Andrade in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico.

Elder Andrews eating his first mango in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico.

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